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KubeJS Tutorial-1.20.1


translation is still in prograss.

This is the content sharing of kubejs 1.20.1, including some tutorials and projects.



Maintainer of Original Documentation



Maintainer of Third-Party Documentation

Directly access project GitBook webpage

The project's open source address on Gitee

The project's open source address on GitHub GitHub does not support content submission

Project issue feedback

About Writing format

Documentation Requirements

  1. File and folder names should start with uppercase letters.
  2. All newly created files should be included in the SUMMARY for directory organization.
  3. Document content should have clear and focused topics, avoiding jumping between different subjects.
  4. Documentation should be simple and easy to understand. If there are any technical terms that require lengthy explanations, they should be placed in a separate section.

About Documentation Folders

  • KubeJS-Basics: Contains basic KubeJS content.
  • KubeJSAdvanced: Contains advanced KubeJS content.
  • KubeJSAddon: Contains content related to KubeJS add-ons and integration with other mods.
  • Digression: Contains additional information not directly related to KubeJS code.
  • Texture: Contains assets and resource-related content.
  • KubeJSProjects: Contains projects shared by contributors (folder names correspond to the contributor's name).
  • imgs: Contains images used in the documentation, with absolute paths corresponding to their locations.
  • Code: Contains shared code snippets.
    • Projects: Contains code for shared projects.
    • This: Contains files mentioned in the tutorials.
    • You can also create your own folders for categorization, with folder names matching the documentation titles.

Documentation Rules

  • Tables in the documentation can have three types of markers: -, ~, and ?. - represents "none," ~ represents "to be edited," and ? represents "unknown."
  • 图片一定要使用绝对路径


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