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VitePress Sidebar Configuration Guide


For various reasons, all sidebars on this site are generated by a sidebar generator developed by the development team. The sidebar plugin provided by VitePress is not used. The following provides a detailed explanation of the sidebar generator configuration.

Structure and Principles

The entry point of the sidebar generator is the index.ts file, located at CrychicDoc/.vitepress/index.ts.

The code structure is as follows:

const dirs = [
import sidebar from "./utils/sidebarGenerator"
import md from "./utils/mdParser"
import Path from "path";
import fs from "fs";

const dirs = [

export default function sidebars(lang: string): {} {
  let ISidebar = {};
  dirs.forEach(dir => {
    const generator = new sidebar(`docs/${lang}/${dir}`, true);
    ISidebar[`${lang}/${dir}/`] = [generator.sidebar]
  return ISidebar;
function logger(string: string, name: string): void {
  fs.writeFileSync(Path.join(__dirname, name), `${string}\n`, { flag: 'w+' });

When you need to add a new directory for automatic scanning, you should add the new path string to this array. The newly added path will be scanned and the corresponding sidebar will be generated and displayed in the corresponding subdomain.


The sidebar generated for modpack/kubejs will appear at<lang>/modpack/kubejs.


The path string should not include the docs/<lang> directory. Before adding a path, make sure it actually exists.

File Scanning

The files in the target directory will be automatically scanned by the generator and the corresponding sidebar will be generated. Each file has the following frontmatter configuration fields.


This site also supports the native frontmatter style of VitePress. For more details, please refer to here .

Configuration Field Purpose Type Default
title Sets the title displayed in the sidebar string N/A
noguide Sets whether the file should be added to the sidebar boolean false
authors Sets the authors of the file (GitHub usernames), displayed below the page navigation bar string[] N/A
title: Example

  - M1hono
  - skyraah

Directory Scanning

In the generator used on this site, directories are not automatically scanned recursively. You need to create an file in the parent directory of the target directory and configure its frontmatter to manually specify which directories should be entered and scanned.


The frontmatter in supports additional configuration fields besides the regular file configuration format. It also reads an <Object> object named root, with the following configuration fields and code declaration.

Code Declaration
interface Index {
  root: {
    title: string,
    collapsed?: boolean; 
    subDir: SubDir[]
interface SubDir {
  title: string;
  path: string;
  noScan?: boolean;
  collapsed?: boolean;
  file?: string;
Configuration Field Purpose Type Default
title Sets the name of the sidebar string N/A
collapsed Sets whether the sidebar is initially collapsed or expanded, leave empty to disable collapsing boolean N/A
subDir Sets which subdirectories should be recursively scanned under this directory SubDir N/A

  title: example
  collapsed: true
    - title: subDir a
    path: test
    collapsed: true
    - title: subDir back
    path: test
    noScan: true
    file: README


If you are using the VSCode editor to contribute to this site, you can use our predefined code snippets. For non-object types of configuration fields, you can directly type their names to trigger autocompletion. For the root object and SubDir object, you can use @root and @subdir respectively to trigger the corresponding snippets.

Frontmatter Declaration

At the beginning of each Markdown file, use --- to create frontmatter configuration.

# Add your frontmatter here

