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Git Tutorial

This article provides a brief overview of how to initialize a project and collaborate on development using Git command line.

You need Git for collaborative development.

Initialize the Project

  1. Fork the project:

Open the repository of the project you want to make content modifications to. In this example, we will use CrychicDoc.

Open the CrychicDoc repository , click on the "Fork" button in the top right corner to fork the project to your GitHub account.

  1. Initialize the repository:

Open the command line or terminal or directly execute the following commands in your project folder:

Github/gitee links of CrychicDoc for cooperation, if you want to provide code for other projects, please refer to the third item.


Please refer to the instructions in the comments to modify the commands, do not copy and paste.

# Replace with the actual folder address.
# In this case, enter the folder where you want to store the CrychicDoc code.
cd path/to/your/project
git init
# In this example, for CrychicDoc, you need to modify the repository code after forking.
# Replace YourUsername with your Github ID, you can directly use the forked repository link.
git remote add origin
git pull origin main
# Replace with the actual folder address.
# In this case, enter the folder where you want to store the CrychicDoc code.
cd path/to/your/project
git init
# In this example, for CrychicDoc, you need to modify the repository code after forking.
# Replace YourUsername with your Github ID, you can directly use the forked repository link.
git remote add origin
git pull origin main
# Replace with the actual folder address.
# In this case, enter the folder where you want to store the CrychicDoc code.
cd path/to/your/project
git init
# In this example, for CrychicDoc, you need to modify the repository code after forking.
# Replace YourUsername with your Github ID, you can directly use the forked repository link.
git remote add origin
git pull origin main
  1. Set up the upstream repository:

To keep in sync with the original repository, set up the upstream repository:

git remote add upstream

By the way, don't forget to disable ignorecase to make Git case-sensitive.

Git config core.ignorecase false

Collaboration Workflow

  1. Create and switch to a new branch:

First, it is recommended to create a new feature branch from the main branch:

git checkout -b feature-branch
  1. Modify the code:

In your Minecraft instance folder, edit the project's code, resource files, or configuration files and make the necessary modifications and adjustments according to your needs.

  1. Commit the changes:

After saving the modifications, use the following command to commit the changes to your local repository:

# Using 'git add .' should generally work fine, but you can replace '.' with the specific file path for added safety.
git add .
git commit -m "Describe your modifications"
  1. Push to the remote repository:

If you are ready to merge your changes into the main branch, push your local branch to the remote repository:

git push

Submitting a Pull Request (PR)

  1. Create a Pull Request:

Open your forked GitHub repository page, select the feature branch you just pushed, click on "Compare & pull request", fill in the relevant information, and submit the PR.

  1. Wait for review and merge:

It is recommended to inform the developers in advance before submitting.

Ending Collaboration

  1. Delete local and remote branches:

Once your PR is merged, you can safely delete the feature branch you created:

git checkout main
git branch -d feature-branch # Delete local branch
git push origin --delete feature-branch # Delete remote branch
Workflow Diagram


Every time you perform the above steps, if your repository is behind the original repository, click the "Sync fork" button to synchronize the progress.


If you are contributing to Crychic's Minecraft-Hunt project, when you complete a task, you need to write your contribution in the CHANGELOG and DevDocuments.
If you are an external developer contributing any content, materials, or documentation to CrychicDoc, please leave your signature after adding the item. Thank you for your contribution.
If you would like to standardize your attribution in CrychicDoc, please contact us for more information.
For example: I completed this change => 2024/Month/Day - My Name

